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hipot test for transformer

Transformers are critical machines that transfer electrical energy from one circuit to another. This flow of energy is necessary to supply a variety of everyday things, such as refrigerators, computers, and phones. Many of the devices we use today would be inoperable without transformers. But if we do not take proper care of transformers, they can be hazardous. And this is where a unique test that we call hipot testing comes into action! At Tanbos, we know that hipot testing is imperative to maintaining the safety of transformers and their long-term performance.

Hipot testing is a specific method for testing whether a transformer operates as it should. Hipot (High Potential) – The name hipot means high potential, indicating that the test operates at a very high voltage. This voltage is significantly higher than that used in routine transformer operation. This way we are able to identify any possible defects of the transformer insulation by increasing this voltage during the test. The insulator is a protective coating that prevents electricity from leaking out and is really important for the safety of the transformer. Cause of errors in electrical system leads to very critical accident so Hetest is very essential for safety. Noticing insulation issues early allows us to fix them before they get too big.

The importance of hipot testing in transformer maintenance

Hipot testers are specialty tools designed to detect transformer insulation issues. The insulation in transformers is critical to preventing the loss of electricity. The value of a hipot test is to identify weaknesses in a given isolated segment of the circuit's insulation; a through hole, defect, damage, etc. This makes problems that might lurk become visible by applying high voltage in the test. If there are problems, they become evident and we have time to identify and rectify the problem before it results in a total failure of the transformer. Such preventive maintenance is essential to^ensure a transformer’s long life and safe service.

Step 1: Unplug the Transformer The first step is to unplug the transformer from the power sources. This is an important step for safety. You should also clear away any objects that might impede the process when you start testing.

Why choose Tanbos hipot test for transformer?

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